Friday, April 10, 2009

Serratto Restaurant in Portland

I should be embarrassed for having such a lazy day but it's Friday............. I got the fireplace going this morning and a friend joined me for some spirited backgammon. At noon we went over to the Serratto Restaurant on 21st Avenue and Kearney for lunch and it was one of the best lunches I've had there. The service was exceptional so we had a wonderful time.

After lunch we went over to 23rd Avenue to walk around and do some shopping. For those of you who know Union Street in S.F., 23rd could be described as being much the same - but a tiny bit better - because there are so many small cafes and the shops have upscale and unusual merchandise. At one end there are larger stores like Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn so there's something for everyone.

Tonight the complex has their Friday night "social" - you remember - we eat, drink and gossip (I mean we talk about relevant issues..................... and pretty much attempt to solve all the world's problems).

It was cold enough for a fire this morning and now, as I write this, the slider is open on the balcony to let in some balmy fresh air. I'm hoping that the weather will be nice tomorrow for the downtown Farmer's Market.

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