Sunday, May 11, 2014

Honoring Moms..............

 As I grow older, I appreciate my mom more and more, remembering how she always put me first in her life and loved me, even after she no longer remembered who I was. Towards the end of her life I became "the nice lady who takes care of me".  Here, she's pictured at the age of 80 at a birthday party that we hosted for her friends and family at the Wine & Roses Hotel in Lodi.

The two women's reflections in the background were her two best friends.  I remember that it was a lovely summer day (her birthday was July 20th) and she had a wonderful time being the center of attention.

She was a loving, kind, and sensitive person who is remembered for her gentle-hearted qualities.  

Lovely memories................

Anna Marie Wall Fandrich

Alma was my mother-in-law and she was a very caring woman who dearly loved her family.  She was proud of "her boys" and her accomplished grandchildren and I remember many delicious meals at her home.  This photo was taken in late November at a family gathering where we celebrated her birthday.  Several days later, she suffered a debilitating stroke that forever changed her life.  It was difficult to see her in a comatose state that lasted for many years before her death in 2008.  She died only three months before her youngest son, Gary.
                                                                                                Alma Schneider Friedli

My daughter-in-law, Cindie, wrote a lovely poem for us many years ago.  It reads:

"It is said that the mother-daughter bond
is one of the strongest
and it can never be broken
And that means
Some things don't have to be understood
or solved or perfect.
We just keep on loving each other through life.
No matter what."

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