Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Crazy Week #1 Continues..............

Things that I've learned so far this week:

1.  Don't upgrade Internet Explorer when prompted to because the prompt is actually a fake website that loads a virus (who thinks of these things?).  I finally had to subscribe to a web site that helps me clean bugs from my system.  I also installed Google Chrome and now I can blog again plus I don't get those annoying pop-up ads!

2.  Don't be in a hurry when remodeling - slow down and realize that there's a progression when it comes to scheduling sub-contractors.  Right now, I'm waiting for the dry wall person to do his job, then tile needs to be found and installed where the living room heat pump was removed, then the painter comes in, the third slider will be installed and then the painter comes in again to paint all the wood on the sliders.  My biggest concern is that I've forgotten something or someone - but I'll soon figure all that out!

3.  It's time to regain control of my "stuff" - mostly by getting rid of some.  Goodwill is going to love me this month.

4.  I really CAN live without a desktop computer and all of my office clutter - well, most of the time.

5.  Be thankful that I can take a rest and travel to California next week to visit friends and family and attend Lori and Pam's wedding next Saturday.

Roger's new studio is a disaster zone because he's waiting for his son, Brian, to complete building some storage units for his painting supplies and canvas.  I'm crossing my fingers that maybe when I get back from California he'll have everything in place.  (It doesn't hurt to dream!)

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