Monday, March 26, 2012

Sisters - Bend - Hood River.............

Yesterday we started a driving trip to Salem for breakfast, then we headed to Sisters where we enjoyed being tourists and doing a little sightseeing and shopping. The drive to Sisters was gorgeous since we drove across the Western Cascades where there's still a lot of snow. The road, almost the entire way, follows several rivers and lakes so the scenery was beautiful. We arrived in Bend in time to check into a hotel and then head for dinner. We were looking for "Tart" but they are closed so we found "Zydeco"in downtown. It is a wonderful place so we enjoyed a great dining experience. It's cold here, but sunny so it's actually comfortable even without wearing a heavy coat.

We took a short drive to Sunriver this morning. I didn't realize that it isn't an actual city - just lots of rentals for vacationers. It was a quick trip because there's absolutely nothing there of interest (at least to us).

Tomorrow morning, we're heading for The Dalles and Hood River where we'll stay the night. The forecast here is for snow - but the sun is still shining with no clouds in the sky so we'll see............

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