Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lair Hill Bistro and Other Stuff...............

Only four more classes until the Ancient Art History class ends next Wednesday.  We're studying the Assyrian Period now and the rest of the term we'll be studying Egyptian art.  This class has been a rewarding experience and I'm sorry to see it end.

Tonight Roger has a night class so Bella and I took a walk to the Lair Hill neighborhood.  Instead of turning left to go down to the river, we turn right, cross the I-5 freeway ramp and walk about five blocks.  The Lair Hill Bistro and market has been a popular neighborhood cafe for many years and they are known for really good breakfasts.  The temperature is in the low 80s so sitting at a sidewalk table in the shade with a draft beer and a charcuterie plate was a perfect way to enjoy the evening.  I'm currently reading "The Secrets of Mary Bowser", a historical novel about a black slave who was given freedom and an education and became a spy for the Union army so I took the book with me for a leisurely supper.

The neighborhood is at least 90% Victorian.  Most of the houses appear to be restored and many are painted in beautiful authentic Victorian color combinations  It's a very enjoyable walk so it's another thing on my list of "things to do again".

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