Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Home, Again..........

The trip to California was a great opportunity to reconnect with friends and also take care of business. I took Bella with me as an experiment to see if it would be feasible to fly with her for a longer vacation and she did very well. She was nervous on the flight to Sacramento but the return flight went extremely well - plus she was excited to see Roger at the airport.

Bella and I were treated to a lamb shank stew when we returned home so, even though she was exhausted, she took time to chew on her special bone before she crashed into her bed.

The Bonham's auction was fabulous so I bought a huge amount of things; some packed in my luggage and three large boxes that I shipped from Sacramento. So - - if you're wondering what I'll be doing the remainder of the month - I'll be chained to the computer while Roger helps by polishing all the sterling. Starting today, we'll set up a small workshop to clean, take photos, research and sell.

I didn't bring California sunshine back as I had hoped but it's still very early and the forecast is for the lower 70s so right now, I'm ignoring the cloudy sky.

A special thanks goes to Lori and Pam, Liz and Ed and Ron and Rosanna who housed me, fed me and pampered me. It was an enjoyable trip !!!

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