Friday, October 24, 2014

Staying in Touch...............

Ooops, it looks like I have neglected by blog for awhile.  I could tell you that it's because I've been SO busy but the word "busy"isn't in my vocabulary any more.  The truth is that we continue to do our daily routine which includes classes at PSU, enjoying lunches at our favorite restaurants, cooking, reading, cooking............. and cooking - and Roger is painting and studying.  I've stocked the freezer with pasta sauce and yesterday I cooked a huge pot of chicken stock.  The cooler weather just gives me that push to start stocking up on things that will make holiday meals easier.

The past few weeks I've been spending a lot of hours designing a label for my friend Ann's wine bottles.  Last week she bottled 14 cases of Pinot Noir and it's for personal use, not for sale, so I've had a good time designing the label for the bottles.  Today we came (almost) to a final decision but I want her to "sleep" over them for a few days before we do the final/final.

Weather has now returned to "traditional Portland weather" meaning there is a forecast of at least a little rain each and every day.  I see this as an excuse to spend more time in my easy chair in front of the fireplace with Bella on my lap and reading a good book.

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