Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Quiet Week

It has been a joy communicating with Lori and Pam, while they were visiting Paris.  They truly had the perfect vacation.  They're back home in Sacramento with many happy memories.  If you're on Instagram, you can see her pictures but, be forewarned, they are mostly pictures of food.............

We had some sad news - Roger's brother, Fred, who lived in Iran, passed away last week.  Death in a family is always a difficult experience, but in this case, it had more impact because once Roger left Iran, he knew he could never return to see any of his family or friends.

We remain hopeful that spring weather will finally come our way but......... today it snowed 12 inches on Mt. Hood and it's raining here (no surprise) so we'll have to be patient a while longer.

We're continuing with our photoshop lessons and it's exciting to see how much we've learned.

Easter was quiet without family to join us but the weather was lovely so we enjoyed a picnic and planted flowers and herbs on the balcony.

This week is "beauty" week for Bella and me so tomorrow she gets her bath and haircut and Friday it's my turn.  (No, we go to two separate places............ she goes to a chic place downtown and I go to a cart in a food cart complex).  More later..............

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