Friday, August 20, 2010

Big-time Party At American Plaza Towers

When my friend, Cheryl, asked me to be in charge of appetizers for a party tonight - I said yes thinking there would only be 15 or 20 people attending.

We rearranged furniture in the Lincoln Tower party room, opened the sliding doors out to the pool patio and put tables and chairs outside. There we served iced tea and champagne fruit punch with appetizers inside the party room.

I didn't count the attendees but there had to be at least 60 people. Fortunately, Cheryl and I both made two large batches of appetizers, each, and many of those attending also brought food. It turned out to be a fabulous party in celebration of the restoration of a huge sculpture in the park between our three buildings. The park is maintained by the city of Portland but we share the expenses of maintenance and security. It's a peaceful place to sit and visit with neighbors, read or walk our dogs so it's also a meeting place for many of the residents. Tonight the guest of honor is the artist who originally created the sculpture and now he's renovating it with plans to have it completed in about a week or two. I'll share a picture when it's finished.

For now - I'm going to crash - this entire week seems like one big party so I'm ready for some rest and relaxation.

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