Saturday, September 11, 2021

THIS AND THAT In Downtown Portland

 It has been awhile since I wrote so it's time to catch up.  What's happening in Portland?  Well........., not much.  Stores are still boarded up, restaurants are serving food outdoors, lipstick sales are down (no need with a mask) and mostly our lives continue to be unstimulating .........

However, life goes on and it's up to us to make our own fun so Roger continues to spend a lot of time painting and he has been successful in hanging some paintings in a Cannon Beach gallery. This gives us an excuse to travel to the coast at least once a month.  The latest exhibit was the theme of "Haystack Rock" so he entered several versions of his high relief mixed media paintings and the gallery owner was very excited about them.  That exhibit is now over but Roger has been invited to bring them back with others for a new showing.

SO, what am I doing? Cooking, mostly so that includes grocery shopping in four stores (because each has something unique), cooking, reading and enjoying lunch with my "uber elderly" lady friends.  (That is the new description for those of us over age 80).

My friend, Allison, and I have season tickets at Triangle Theater and the first show will be September 19th.  Proof of vaccination and masks are required and we're confident that we'll be safe because we are both vaccinated and we're very careful how we interact with others.  It's our first step towards "normalcy".

Another birthday just passed for me so age is slowly creeping into the 80s but, my brain still convinces me that I can still "do anything" so I give it my best.

My granddaughter welcomed a baby girl in April and my step-granddaughter just had a baby girl in August so we're thrilled to welcome two adorable little ones into the family.  

Life is good.................

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