Thursday, January 12, 2012

Middle East History Class at PSU

I closed down Gold Turtle & Co at the end of 2011 and I needed something interesting and new to keep me busy so I enrolled in a senior educational program sponsored by Portland State University. It's sometimes difficult to get into a class since most are filled to capacity by tuition paying students. I went to the class on Tuesday but didn't learn until today that I was accepted as a student. There are nine seniors who wanted to take this specific course so we were all relieved to be admitted. The class title is "The Modern Middle East II" and the course follows the years from 1914 to the present date.

It is wonderful being with young people who are genuinely focused on getting an education. The class has lots of interaction between the professor and students so it's a lively class with a lot to learn. We need to purchase three text books so I've been "bargain shopping" (textbooks are VERY expensive) and I did a great job. I found one on eBay and the other two through Amazon (used and more affordable).

In just two classes I already have learned so much. I had no idea there was a state "Transjordan" or the location of many of the Arab countries on the map. Classes are Tuesday and Thursday, the same days as Roger attends community college so that still leaves five days to do other things together.

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