Monday, October 25, 2010

Life Without a COMPUTER !!

I've been sitting back listening to many of my friends telling me that their computer "crashed" or stopped working or got infected with a bug - thinking, well, that won't happen to me - I'm careful about downloads and my computer is only three years old so I'm good for awhile.

Not true. About a week ago my desktop simply died - no symptoms - no moans or groans - just gone...............

At the moment the bad news is that the computer tech still has not been able to retrieve any data and the last time I did a backup was about a year ago. OK.......... don't yell at me - I won't do that ever again.

Fortunately, I have a good laptop so it's getting me by for the moment. We found a new HP for a good price so I'll be brave and upgrade to Windows 7 and, with some luck, I'll be back in business in a couple of days.

Meanwhile, I'm sharing a photo taken from our back balcony of some Fall colors. It's probably the last because we've had a storm with some pounding rain and wind that is starting to denude the trees. It has been snowing at Timberline for a full 24 hours so everyone is excited about early snow activities at Mt Hood.

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