Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring in Portland..............

We are enjoying warmer weather so the barbie is clean and fired up. In fact there are three barbies now; one gas, one small charcoal for picnics and one larger charcoal one for entertaining. (Ed, in Lodi - you'll appreciate that Roger is a charcoal fanatic like you...........).

Tonight we're doing corn on the cob and chicken. It has been a good week. Roger learned that surgery is not necessary for his back problem and he has an appointment Wednesday for an injection that we hope will alleviate the pain.

Thursday the complex had its annual dinner meeting where we learned about all the problems that condo owners share (like large assessments for unexpected repairs) but we live here because we love being downtown so it's a small price to pay for the convenience of being close to everything.

Ashley sent a hand made pottery bowl she made that is beautiful so it's out on the back balcony ready for a Spring flower. Roger continues to plant little seedlings so we have a "nursery" near the big sliding door in the living room and a few larger plants outside with the hopes they will catch a few rays of sun.

Yesterday Ann and I enjoyed lunch at the Heathman and the last Pops concert for this season featuring music from the "Fabulous Forties".

I would like to wish Kristen Friedli (my great niece) a very Happy Birthday and also a Happy Birthday to my great nephew, Sean, who is celebrating his birthday tomorrow.

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