Monday, April 27, 2015

Stinging Nettles................

My friend, Gina, purchased a large amount of fresh stinging nettles at the Farmer's Market and she called because she wanted to share them with me.  I have never cooked with them so my first move was to check the Internet.  I learned that the leaves should be removed from the stems - then steam them for about 2 to 3 minutes.  The suggestion was to use them as an addition to other dishes like soups, stews, etc.

I'm amazed at my ignorance - they are called STINGING Nettles for a reason.  The stems have razor sharp tiny barbs and when I stemmed them, I did it with bare hands.  It's about four hours later and YES.............. my fingers are still "stinging".

Tonight it was an opportunity to use them so our dinner is a "one pot" dish with sauteed red potatoes, onions, bell peppers, tomato, garbanzo beans, chicken sausage with spinach and feta and, of course, nettles. 

I continue to learn new lessons the hard way.................................

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